Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fashion students visit top design studios in New York

UB students got a taste of the global nature of the fashion business and clothing manufacturing when Professor Janet Albert’s Fashion Fundamentals and Advanced Textiles classes went on field trips to the New York City fashion market.
The Fashion Fundamentals class observed in operations three distinctly different clothing manufacturers. The first stop was at Liz Claiborne Inc., a $4 billion dollar major women’s and men’s clothing manufacturer.

The students toured the design facilities, and executives in the textile and design resource library discussed design from inception to manufacturing to retailing. The executives stressed the importance of working with fashion forecasting operations, and how vital such information is to the industry.
The second stop was to Nicole Miller Inc., a trendy women’s dress manufacturer. At this stop, public relations executives discussed the relationship of fashion and public relations, and their successful licensing operation. The students toured the facility including the showroom and sample cutting room. The third stop was a visit to the executive offices of Eileen Fisher, women’s clothing manufacturer and retailer. Jenine Zeccardi, merchandising executive there and a former UB student, coordinated the visit. The students had the opportunity to have the sales and advertising director, and merchandising director discuss their roles in developing fashion products from design to production and visual merchandising at the retail level.
Our new MBA students who have a concentration in retailing were also on the market trip.
The Advanced Textiles class visited the Textile Design Group, a textile library with over 38,000 samples of various prints, yarns dyes, and weaves. This company works with designer to achieve new styling direction for the upcoming season.
This class also visited Macra Lace Co. Clelia Parisi, vice president of product development, discussed the development of new fabrics and how she works with her customers and sources new fabrics.
All of the executives discussed the global nature of the fashion business. By visiting the fashion markets, the students are able to see first hand, the operations and the global nature of a clothing manufacturer and to observe the different types of careers available in the fashion business.

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